Sunday, August 07, 2005

Creationism vs Evolutionism

Interesting interview with Michael Ruse in Salon:

Mr Ruse has a new book out and this interview discusses some of the major themes in the book.

Reading through the interview I found an explanation for something which has confused me for years. I could never figure out why the Creationists were always going on about how Evolution negated any moral basis for living. I figured it was because evolution undercut their literal interpretation of the Bible which thus attacked their own belief in an external moral force.

Michael Ruse's book suggests an alternative explanation: the Creationists are working against evolutionism and not against Evolution the theory. I can see how people with little understanding of sciences could easily confuse the Theory with some of the bizarre philosophies which some have devised. Their biases lead them to suppose that all who champion the theory also buy into, for example, Social Darwinism.

This makes it simple for the Religions Radicals to confuse the issues.

Thus, if the Mr Bush thinks it a good idea to teach intelligent Design in public schools, then I think it high time to push for a required course in philosophy and comparative religion.

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